5 Reasons You Need a Writing Buddy

By author Alisha Sevigny, one of our in-house expertsOriginally published at open-book.ca

My writer friends have gotten me through some stuff, stuff that other people (partners included) might roll their eyes at. (Not that they don’t have a right to, us writers be crazy.)

1. Motivation

Have no deadlines? Don’t feel like writing? Well, you don’t really have to do your 500 words today.

2. Editorial Assistance

3. Someone to Bemoan the Life of a Writer With

“Canadian writers are making less money than ever — with incomes from writing dropping 78 percent from 1998, according to a report released Monday by the Writers’ Union of Canada. The numbers, accounting for inflation, have been undergoing a steady drop. According to the report, writers made $9,380 in 2017, down from $12,879 in 2014 — a 27 per cent drop in just three years.” – The Toronto Star

4. To Plot the Excruciating Demise of Mean People

We care about the 22-year-old troll who makes her review deliberately nasty so her comment will get lots of likes, which raises her profile. Never mind that she sounds slightly cray-cray, she’s blasting you and your work for a ridiculous reason and she’s totally misrepresenting it and how can someone adequately review forty-five books a week anyway, not to mention all her followers liked it because it was snarky and now that review will always be the first review anyone sees when they look up your book and…

5. To Celebrate the Victories!

If so, attend workshops, go to conferences, go support other writers at book fairs and launches, introduce yourself, buy their book. (Seriously, you spend $12.99 on a paperback for me and I will throw down for you).

So don’t be shy! “‘Cause you gotta have friends…” (Anyone else picture Donkey from Shrek singing this and not Bette Midler? If so, I think we’d be good friends).

Alisha Sevigny is the author of acclaimed YA novels SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS (CBC’s Best Books for Kids and Teens 2018 and NERFA 2019 Finalist) and KISSING FROGS. Her anticipated debut middle grade series, SECRETS OF THE SANDS, launches January 2020 with THE LOST SCROLL OF THE PHYSICIAN. Alisha is a freelance editor, former literary agent and Executive Story Wizard at Best. Ever. Productions. Learn more about Alisha at alishasevigny.com.

P.S. You can book a 1-on-1 meeting with Alisha to get help with your book!


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