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Guest post byWillie Handler, author of two satirical novels, The Road Ahead and Loved Mars Hated The Food.
Editor’s Note: There’s a thriving writer community on Twitter. If you plan to promote yourself as an author, mastering this platform is a must. This post assumes you’re starting from zero, but feel free to skip ahead if you already grasp the basics.
What is Social Media?
- Connect with other writers,
- Learn more about writing and publishing, and
- Use social media to market my work
What is Twitter?
Connecting with Other Writers
- Following other writers
- Participating in hashtag games and chats
- Liking and retweeting their tweets
- Leaving comments on tweets posted by other writers
- Their tweets are mostly ads promoting their books or services. I don’t find self-promotion to be very interesting.
- They only retweet other people’s tweets (many of which I may already follow).
- They appear to be more interested in collecting followers than connecting with people (more about that later).
- They post a lot of political tweets. You may be interested in that, but I find politics to be very polarizing. That’s more appropriate for a personal account than a writer account.
- The account appears to be a bot (software that imitates a real person).
Tweet Content
Managing Accounts that you Follow
Learning the Writing Game
Willie Handler is a member of the Canadian Author Association – Toronto and the Writers Community of York Region. He has published two satirical novels, The Road Ahead and Loved Mars Hated The Food.
Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash
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