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How meeting Sam Hiyate changed my writing life
The first time I pitched to agents was by far my most terrifying experience as a writer. A friend convinced me to attend a weekend writing conference and, at the end, we pitched a dozen agents. In person! I wasn’t the only one panicking either. People were freaking out around me. Some refused to leave their hotel rooms and attend the session. The whole idea was just too scary!
I did some deep breathing, told myself I could do this, and next thing I knew I was in front of Literary Agent Sam Hiyate. He put my mind at ease immediately. Publishing professionals: they’re just like the rest of us!
Jump ahead a few years, and an ad popped up on my social media for a writing workshop with Sam through So You Want To Write?. I signed up, having no idea what an impact So You Want to Write? would have on my life. Since that day, the many workshops, meetings, and events that I attended boosted both my confidence and my writing circle. Now I finish drafts and short stories, and I even have the courage to send them out.
One of the most impactful programs I’ve been involved with through So You Want to Write? has been Sam Hiyate’s 6-Month Advanced Writing Program. In this program authors receive weekly feedback from Sam himself (as well as writing peers), instruction on story structure and the publishing industry, help from guest experts, and the opportunity to pitch to a panel of agents at the end of the program. This program has done so much for me as a writer that I even signed up for it again this year after taking the reins on the company!
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